Clinical implication of genome editing and drug resistance in HIV

Document Type : Review Article


Department of Medical Laboratory Science, College of Health Science, Woldia University, Woldia, Ethiopia


Background: The current treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus is primarily based on chemotherapy and antiretroviral drugs. Although an anti-HIV vaccine is still a long way off, it has transformed Human Immunodeficiency into a manageable chronic infection. Gene therapy to change the therapeutic landscape of HIV is becoming more common. This review aimed to narrate clinical implication of genome editing and drug resistance in HIV.  Pharmacological therapy of HIV is not completely competent to promote cure owing to the persistence of the viral latency and this evidence has demonstrated significant contributions. Advances of human induced pluripotent stem cell derived therapies indicate an increased breadth in application is forthcoming. As they are derived from somatic cells, they can be generated from donors, without the ethical implications of embryonic stem cells. Gene therapy could be powerful strategy for HIV/AIDS treatment.


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