Document Type : Original Article
Department of microbiology,Faculty of Natural sciences, university of jos, plateau state Nigeria
Department of Biological Sciences Federal University Kashere Gombe State, Nigeria
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria
Background: Toxoplasmosis due to Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is one of the major global zoonotic diseases that affect man and other animals. About 30% to 65% of all person’s worldwide are exposed to T. gondii. Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with toxoplasmosis among women of childbearing age attending Women and Children Hospital in Gombe metropolis, Nigeria. Method and Results: Five (5) mls of venous blood was each collected from the 182 women who consented for the study and transferred into a labeled EDTA container. Samples were then centrifuged at 1400rmp for 10 minutes to obtain plasma and stored at -20°C in a refrigerator. Samples were subsequently analyzed using human T. gondii Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) detection kits (Voyage Medical Co., LTD China, Hong Kong; Batch No: 20200213). Information on sociodemographic and risk factors of all the consented women were collected using structured questionnaire. Of the 182 women who participated in the study, 39 (21.43 %) were positive for anti T.gondii IgG antibodies and 0 (0.00 %) IgM specific antibodies were detected. Risk factors to T. gondii infection were assessed using structured questionnaire, ethnic groups and educational attainment showed that they were statistically significant (p < /em><0.05). Similarly, infection with T. gondii among those who consumed beef, fish, goat, chicken, and other form of meat (dog, rat, and pork) was assessed. Those who consumed other forms of meat were found to have statistically significant association with T. gondii infection (p < /em> <0.05). Consumption of suya (roasted meat), pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, washing vegetables and water source were not significantly associated with T. gondii seropositivity (p < /em> <0.05). Also, there was no statistical association between owning a cat, cleaning of cat excretes and handling of pet animals and T. gondii infection. Number of miscarriages was however significantly associated with T. gondii sero-positivity (p < /em> <0.05). Conclusion: Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to T. gondii among women reported in this study indicates past exposure to the parasite, therefore, routine serological screening of women of childbearing age and health education on the prevention and control of T. gondii are strongly recommended
Main Subjects